Saturday, April 2, 2011

An introspective story -- The Walk

My latest read was The Walk by Richard Paul Evans, who may be most widely known for his bestseller The Christmas Box.  Evans has a unique style of telling a story that makes you feel like you're sitting down with the main character and almost experiencing with him the things he is sharing with you.

Alan Christoffersen enjoyed "the good life" -- an award-winning advertising business, a multi-million dollar house, expensive cars, and a beautiful wife who was the love of his life.  In a short amount of time, he lost it all and found himself unsure of where to go next.  He came close to giving in to despair and ending his own life, but instead he decided to take a walk -- and quite a walk he planned.  He checked a map and found that the farthest place he could walk from his home in Seattle, Washington, was Key West, Florida.  So with what he determined to be the bare essentials, he set out on a journey.  Along the way, Alan encountered people and circumstances that provided lessons on what life is all about and helped him begin to formulate his identity from that point on.

The Walk is the first in a series of stories (I don't know how many are planned) about Alan's journey.  I look forward to continuing the adventure with him and meeting the Alan who shows up at the end of the trip.  Somehow, I expect him to be quite different from the one who took the first steps of The Walk.

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