Monday, June 6, 2011


I had the opportunity to be one of the Karen Kingsbury fans chosen to receive and review an advance copy of the latest Bailey Flanigan book -- LEARNING.  Here's the review I submitted:

Learning . . .

Love well . . . laugh often . . . live for Christ.

When you can’t take another step, God will carry you.

When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and
armies bigger than yours do not be afraid.  For the Lord your God who brought
you up out of Egypt will be with you. 

Such important lessons for Bailey Flanigan and friends . . . and for all of us who have the privilege of reading this, another great story by Karen Kingsbury.

How do you shine for Christ in a place where He is not welcome?  How do you go on when health concerns threaten to destroy your family?  How do you know when you’ve found the one you’ll share a forever kind of love with?  Bailey, Cody, Brandon, and even some of the Baxters, struggle to learn answers to questions like these.

One of the things that make a KK book so special is the way the lessons come alive off the pages of fiction and hit you right where you are.  I barely had time to read this book and get my review in on time because when the book arrived I was out of state for the birth of my first grandchild.  The lessons of God’s faithfulness that Bailey and her friends learned are some of the very things I pray for my newborn grandson. 

Without giving away details, I can’t say much more – but I’ll warn you that we’ll have to keep reading to find the answer to the Cody/Brandon question.  I’m still pulling toward the Team Cody camp . . . but only time (and a couple more books) will tell!  Longing to read Longing (the next installment in this series).

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